Chapter One: In Silver Country

Add your comments or ask questions about this chapter by clicking on the underlined word "comments" below!


  1. This is going to be a great serial story. After reading Tommy and the Guttersnipe with my sixth grade reading class of 100 students, I was wondering myself what would become of the family. I can't wait to see where this story will take the McMahon's and who else will enter their lives. -- Dawn

  2. dear, Mike this is cool that you write, belive it or not I am an artist and I know how to make comics and i love to draw in classes because they can be boring, which some day I will be know for like you . I can't wait to read the rest because I like the olden days. Keep up the good work. sincerly Alex H.

  3. Dear Mike,your stories are great I can't wait to see what happens next it should be interesting --Lauren B

  4. I was just wondering why you wrote about that place and that time.
    Sincerely Tanner O

  5. I used to draw in class, too, but I was listening in case the teacher called on me -- hope you are, too, Alex! And I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story. I had to write about that time and place, Tanner, because in the last story, I said that was where they were going to move, so, when people wanted another story about Tommy and Jake, I had to go where I said they were!

  6. I really think this is an interesting story and I hope you keep writing.

    Rebecca S. LACS

  7. Hello Mr. Peterson!
    We're learning about blogging today but we've been reading Anna's Story over the last few weeks. We're on Chapter 6. We are really enjoying it! It ties in perfectly with things we are learning about the second Industrial Revolution. Students have created some questions for you and we'll be sending them later.
    We look foward to blogging with you!

  8. Hello Mr. Peterson!
    We've been reading Anna's Story for the past few weeks. We're using it to help us learn about the Industrial Revolution and orphan trains. We have some questions we'll be asking you soon.
    We really enjoy the story...can't wait to read more!
    Mrs. Dermady's fifth grade class

  9. WE really Enjoyed this story.
